What is MvPad?

MvPad is going to build a revolutionary Multi-chain community launchpad and creator ecosystem for the Metaverse.

Full description of MvPad

MvPad is going to build a revolutionary Multi-chain community launchpad and creator ecosystem for the Metaverse. Along with the one of a kind launchpad we will have features like MvMart, MvLend & MvLock to facilitate a smooth launch and post-launch services and finally creating a Decentralized (?) creator ecosystem in the metaverse for Digital Assets & creators. Apart from all best features of a great launchpad, we will be setting up MvCommunityVC and giving holders a unique opportunity to invest in potential projects at very early stage through our VC arm. Our native currency MVD will have multiple utilities including using it to buy artefacts and NFTs in our creator ecosystem. Creators can use MVD Token (?) to buy space to launch and sell their digital assets in our upcoming creator ecosystem. The MvMart will be powered by our governance token MVD, where stakers can vote and decide the future and features of the ecosystem. The incoming projects will get exclusive access to our marketing and KOL network. Tokenomics design by Experts and creation of vesting schedule. Valuable industry connections via our advisor and extended network. Smart Contracts design, Audit & development support.
  • Exchange symbol (?): MVD
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

MvPad for developers

MvPad social sites

 Source: NOMICS