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What is NACHO?

The NACHO algorithmic token serves as the backbone of our growing ecosystem aimed at bringing high APRs to ETH holders on the Polygon Network.

Full description of NACHO

The NACHO algorithmic Token (?) serves as the backbone of our growing ecosystem aimed at bringing high APRs to ETH holders on the Polygon Network. The protocol's underlying mechanism dynamically adjusts NACHO's supply, pushing its price up or down relative to the price of ETH in order to keep NACHO's peg to the ETH price. Nacho Finance is a multi-token protocol that consists of the following three tokens: - Nacho Token (NACHO) - Nacho Shares (NSHARE) - Nacho Bonds (NBOND)
  • Exchange symbol (?): NACHO
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS