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What is Nucleus Vision?

nCash (NCASH) is a non-mineable utility token that enables data exchange in the Nucleus Vision ecosystem.

Full description of Nucleus Vision

nCash (NCASH) is a non-mineable utility Token (?) that enables data Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) in the Nucleus Vision ecosystem. The goal of Nucleus is to provide brick and mortar stores the ability to give their offline customers an online customer experience. Utilizing Blockchain (?) and IoT technologies, physical businesses will be able to offer personalized pricing, tailored recommendations, and real-time offers to their customers as they are walking throughout the store. In addition, customers can also earn nCash tokens each time they visit a store that uses the Nucleus Vision platform. Customer data is abundant online which gives eCommerce stores the ability to offer personalized experiences for customers. For example, if a first-time visitor lands on an eCommerce site, a pop-up can give that person a 10% discount on their first purchase. If a loyal customer returns to the site, the page can thank the customer by name and recommend new products/services based on their specific purchase history. Launched in 2014, Nucleus Vision aims to bridge the divide between the online and offline retail customer experience. The foundation of the ecosystem is its patent-pending sensor technology called ION. Instead of depending on RFID, WiFi, Bluetooth, or even facial recognition technologies, the ION sensor detects customers’ smartphones via radio frequencies when they are within a certain range. Upon entering a store, the ION sensors will register the customer’s phone and will ask them if they’d be willing to share their information with the store. If the customer consents, the ION sensors push the data (via Nucleus Vision’s blockchain called “Orbit”) to the Neuron neural network. The network’s deep-learning algorithms analyze customer data and provide the merchant with real-time customer information (e.g., upcoming life events, purchase history, age, gender, etc.). Merchants are required to use nCash tokens to move data throughout the Nucleus Vision network. In addition, merchants must pay nCash to data providers who give insights about their customers. To protect user privacy, customers will be able to opt-out of the service at any time. When users consent to share their information, they will receive nCash tokens which can be used to pay for products and services within the store. nCash is an ERC-20 token that utilizes the Ethereum blockchain. At the time of this writing, Nucleus Vision claims that they have prototypes running in 10 retail stores in India and that they have signed deals with brands to install their technology in 14,000 more locations in the next few years. Nucleus Vision was founded by Abhishek Pitti in August 2014. Prior to Nucleus, Pitti worked as an aerospace engineer. The ICO (Initial Coin Offering) (?) was scheduled for January 2018 but was canceled because, during the pre-sale, they were able to raise the full amount of the hard cap ($40 million). The total token supply is 10 billion NCASH. All tokens will be distributed as follows: 40% goes to public participants, 25% is reserved for the company, 25% goes to the development team and employees, 5% goes to advisors, and the last 5% goes to the bounty program. The project has been backed by Tim Draper, IndusAge Partners, among other investors. At the time this is being published, Nucleus Vision is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California.
  • Exchange symbol (?): NCASH
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS