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What is NeverDrop?

NeverDrop is a hyperdeflationary token on the Binance Smart Chain that leverages price impact triggers to initiate token buy backs with the intent of mitigating mass sell-off events.

Full description of NeverDrop

NeverDrop is a hyperdeflationary Token (?) on the Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain that leverages price impact triggers to initiate token buy backs with the intent of mitigating mass sell-off events. The buy backs utilize a randomness factor to deter bot manipulation while automatically purchasing tokens if the trading activity over a period of transactions results in a net loss, which is done so through its BNB pool. The token also utilizes auto-LP for greater security. Each transaction is met with a 10% fee: a total of 8% is sent to liquidity (5% to BNB pool, 3% to auto-LP), 1% is redistributed to holders, and 1% is held for further project development and marketing
  • Exchange symbol (?): ND
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS