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What is Nemesis?

Nemesis is a decentralized project with 244 holders | Mark.Cap $1,595,078.63 | Community based | Available on Uniswap ETHEREUM Nemesis ($NMS) is a decentralized project aimed to create an International Hodlers Active Community based on transparency and trust.

Full description of Nemesis

Nemesis is a Decentralized (?) project with 244 holders | Mark.Cap $1,595,078.63 | Community based | Available on Uniswap ETHEREUM Nemesis ($NMS) is a decentralized project aimed to create an International Hodlers Active Community based on transparency and trust. The scarcity of $NMS will increase constantly, thus increasing its value, thanks to the Monthly Burning Plan. A HUGE 24 months burn plan (called the Rocket Fuel) will constantly increase the value of the $NMS Nemesis Token (?) reducing the "real" Total Circulation Supply available on market. The Burn Plan will decrease of an astonishing quantity of 24.000.000 $NMS Nemesis equivalent to almost 9% of the Initial Total Supply. Burns will be periodically done on a monthly basis for 24 consecutive months, each equivalent to 0,375% of the Total Supply. We do not Joke Folks! Unlike most existing "experiments", "meme”, etc. $NMS will provide advanced web solutions oriented directly to increase the Token value in future and, consequently, to guarantee the wealth of our Community. NMS Token is the newbie of a larger vision of Nemesis Wealth Projects LLC. As a matter of facts, the Nemesis Ecosystem will form a bunch of investing possibilities integrated and synergistic one with the others. The offer will range from Savings Tokens, to Utility Tokens, to Gaming Tokens and (yes) to experimental meme coins too, mainly oriented to Art and Charity. One will support the others: the strongest will feed the weaker, the most valued will support the charity ones. As it is in a Community or simply in a Family. A multistage direct business plan to sustain, increase, protect the value of the Token with faith and truth. Our mission is just simple: to increase our holders wealth. Nemesis is a long term ecosystem project created by - Sadt – a digital technologies business entrepreneur with a group of young Italian devs and international skilled Crypto (?) experts. The team is fast growing and the number of small investors “hodlers” too. Social activities, are expanding worldwide, very quickly, day after day, reflecting the $NMS token value increases. Funds and property of $NMS and other Nemesis Brand assets are of Nemesis Wealth Projects LLC, active and registered in Reno, Nevada, US. Just few miles away from the future “Crypto City”. We are focused to release in the next few years advanced and innovative products thru our Website, giving a new, friendly and easy way to purchase digital currencies with the aim to join ordinary people and small investors to DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) as much as possible, moving them out from the “old style” finance and savings. Nemesis website will be implemented step by step with new features and useful applications. We are Saving & Services oriented, not a speculative assets factory. Our products are structured from the creation to reduce as much as possibile devaluation and risk of scam or crack. We belive that our holders wealth protection will be our success. Few words from Sadt: I often sing in my mind a beautiful song, well know by non millenians…, “You may say I’m a dreamer". And, I am still thinking, yes John, WE are. Total Supply: 275000000 🦄 Uniswap: 0x77252494C25444F8598A0c74Ffc90ADc535291a9 📱Telegram Official: 📱Telegram Italian Group: 🐦Twitter: NemesisToken 📷Instagram: nemesis.wealth.project
  • Exchange symbol (?): NMS
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS