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What is Pakkun Inu?

Pakkun Inu is an anime-based token based on a character from Shonen Jump's, "Naruto" series.

Full description of Pakkun Inu

Pakkun Inu is an anime-based Token (?) based on a character from Shonen Jump's, "Naruto" series. Pakkun is one of Kakashi's summoning dogs, probably his favorite. He is a helpful tracker dog that can find and track most things; he's very calm, cool, and collected. Pakkun Inu is a frictionless yield generation token in which holders earn 2% every transaction with a 0% tax on buys and 10% tax on sells.
  • Exchange symbol (?): PAKK
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Pakkun Inu for developers

Pakkun Inu social sites

 Source: NOMICS