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What is Pixels.so Token?

"Pixels.so | Borrow Against Your NFTs is a platform that allows users to deposit their whitelisted NFTs and borrow against them.

Full description of Pixels.so Token

"Pixels.so | Borrow Against Your NFTs is a platform that allows users to deposit their whitelisted NFTs and borrow against them. The platform uses the Pixels.so Token (?) (PIXL) as its utility-governance token. In addition to supporting Solana-native projects, the platform also plans to use Wormhole to allow ERC-721 projects (like CryptoPunks) and Metaverse-based virtual property to be used as eligible collateral.  Pixel.so believes this blended approach between DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) and NFTs will help unlock the full potential of NFTs and the Metaverse. Pixels.so changes everything and we want you to be a part of it."
  • Exchange symbol (?): PIXL
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Pixels.so Token for developers

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 Source: NOMICS