What is Platinum Finance?

"PLAT is an algorithmic token that serves as the backbone of a rapidly growing ecosystem aimed towards bringing liquidity and new use cases to the Fantom Network. Inspired by the idea behind the well-known project on Fantom Network, Tomb Finance, Platinum Finance is a multi-token protocol that consists of the following 3 tokens: -Platinum (PLAT) -Platinum Share (SPLAT) -Platinum Bond (PBOND) The protocol's underlying mechanism dynamically adjusts the supply of PLAT, pushing its price up or down relative to the price of FTM."

Full description of Platinum Finance

"PLAT is an algorithmic Token (?) that serves as the backbone of a rapidly growing ecosystem aimed towards bringing liquidity and new use cases to the Fantom Network. Inspired by the idea behind the well-known project on Fantom Network, Tomb Finance, Platinum Finance is a multi-token protocol that consists of the following 3 tokens: -Platinum (PLAT) -Platinum Share (SPLAT) -Platinum Bond (PBOND) The protocol's underlying mechanism dynamically adjusts the supply of PLAT, pushing its price up or down relative to the price of FTM."
  • Exchange symbol (?): PLAT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Platinum Finance for developers

Platinum Finance social sites

 Source: NOMICS