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What is Bernie Madoff?

Bernie Madoff Ponzi this token is dedicated to the biggest swindle in the history of mankind. Change your mindset that PONZI is bad, swim against the tide! Over time, we will develop many income-generating projects and all PONZI investors will be rewarded.

Full description of Bernie Madoff

Bernie Madoff Ponzi this Token (?) is dedicated to the biggest swindle in the history of mankind. Change your mindset that PONZI is bad, swim against the tide! Over time, we will develop many income-generating projects and all PONZI investors will be rewarded. The PONZI token system is designed so that all participants will receive dividends from commissions from purchases and sales 5% just keep the tokens in your Wallet (?) and watch the number of coins increase.
  • Exchange symbol (?): PONZI
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS