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What is Protector Roge?

PROGE is a Community Owned ERC20 Token. Long term, Proge has three major projects planned, which will ensure Proge is a market leading token with real life usecases.

Full description of Protector Roge

PROGE is a Community Owned ERC20 Token. Long term, Proge has three major projects planned, which will ensure Proge is a market leading Token (?) with real life usecases. These are the Rogue’s Bazaar, which is an online marketplace where the Proge community will trade goods and digital services for Proge. The Rogue’s Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) is a token exchange, which will have a number of unique features designed to offer either free or the lowest fees on trades and all without compromising on security. Finally the aptly named Project X. This innovation is a genuine disruptor to the memecoin market.
  • Exchange symbol (?): PROGE
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS