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What is Psyduck Inu?

Psyduck live in the UniSwap Region.

Full description of Psyduck Inu

Psyduck live in the UniSwap Region. This Pokemon was owned by a rich guy named Vitalik. However, Psyduck Inu didn’t like having a pampered life-style and kept running away.. If you’re struggling to catch this Psyduck, basically, the highest chance you have of catching this cute Pokémon is to throw some ETH into Uniswap.. and wait to our launch day to catch it. Now Psyduck has been brought to the Ethereum Blockchain (?) as Psyduck Inu. With the efforts of the team and our community, we will become the most significant and longest-running pokemon Token (?) in the whole Anime Crypto (?) space.
  • Exchange symbol (?): PSYDUCK
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS