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What is Points Value Bank?

PVB, the short name of Points Value Bank, is an application token based on ERC20 protocol.

Full description of Points Value Bank

PVB, the short name of Points Value Bank, is an application Token (?) based on ERC20 protocol. Initiated by CTF of Singapore, PVB is built upon the distributed Blockchain (?) platform, PVB Gold Data, which is driven by the fourth generational blockchain technology. PVB aims to establish an eco-system supporting token trading and payment. CTF will share its PVB eco-system with global business units, break the original interest pattern and change the current production relationship. With the aim to increase the circulation, trading volume and added value of all tokens, PVB wants to help more business units to vitalize their own points.
  • Exchange symbol (?): PVB
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS