PYRO Network (TRON) logo

What is PYRO Network (TRON)?

PYRO is a TRC20 token designed with a hyper deflationary life model and staking functionalities.

Full description of PYRO Network (TRON)

PYRO is a TRC20 Token (?) designed with a hyper deflationary life model and Staking (?) functionalities. The core concept revolves around the in-built burning function of PYRO tokens upon any transaction that transfers PYRO from one TRON Address (?) to another at a rate of 5% while 2.5% of all burned PYRO proportionally rewarding those who have staked their tokens. A social network, privacy messenger and other projects will utilize PYRO.
  • Exchange symbol (?): PYRO
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

PYRO Network (TRON) for developers

PYRO Network (TRON) social sites

 Source: NOMICS