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What is r0ok Token?

r0ok originated as r0ok Clothing Co, founded by Ty Campos, a clothing company dedicated to spreading mental health awareness.

Full description of r0ok Token

r0ok originated as r0ok Clothing Co, founded by Ty Campos, a clothing company dedicated to spreading mental health awareness. Because he is involved with the Crypto (?) community, he decided to create $R0OK to create a bridge between the two communities, while offering the same morals and principles that are behind r0ok Clothing Co. $R0OK was created as a charity Token (?) that has two main purposes. 1) To give the community a token they can have complete trust and faith in. 2) To create a steady source of donations for the mental health community that stem from the crypto space. By simply buying and holding $R0OK, you are helping an important part of the bigger cause by helping create awareness for a worldwide epidemic.
  • Exchange symbol (?): R0OK
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS