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What is Reward Cake?

RewardCake (RCake) is a dividend yield token that rewarding $Cake to $RCake token holders.

Full description of Reward Cake

RewardCake (RCake) is a dividend yield Token (?) that rewarding $Cake to $RCake token holders. Hold $RCake and earn $CAKE at the same time on every 60 minutes ! This system is fully automated and doesn’t add minimal gas fees proportional to value transferred. Fully developed and automated for holders to receive dividends based on their position in the queue array. Security ✅ Liquidity has been locked to ensure the safety of our investors and give peace of mind to our holders. We used DXLock has middle man to ensure all the liquidity is locked in a secure locker. Audited & Passed ✅ We have successfully audit our contract and it got passed by Techrate.
  • Exchange symbol (?): RCAKE
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS