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What is Remit?

What is REMIT? REMIT is an ERC20 token with a maximum supply of 5.00.000 tokens.

Full description of Remit

What is REMIT? REMIT is an ERC20 Token (?) with a maximum supply of 5.00.000 tokens. It is expected that all 5.000.000 REMIT tokens will be in circulation in 5 years (1.000.000 REMIT tokens per year). What can I do with REMIT? REMIT will be used on the platform to send fast and affordable remittances through the blockchain. also offers Yield Staking (?) and by locking your REMIT on the platform, users can earn up to 72% REMIT Yield per year. With Yield Farming offers users the option to can create LP tokens with ETH, DAI or USDT on Uniswap and by locking these LP tokens a Yield in REMIT will also be created. Where to buy REMIT? REMIT is available on any Exchange (or Cryptocurrency exchange) (?) that offers this digital currency. Please read the Whitepaper for all information about
  • Exchange symbol (?): REMIT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS