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What is renZEC (ERC-20)?

REN Tokenized ZEC Once an asset is in the custody of RenVM, an ERC20 token at a 1:1 value is minted on Ethereum - this can then be used as any ERC20 can within the Ethereum ecosystem (for example, swaps, collateralization, trades etc.)

Full description of renZEC (ERC-20)

REN Tokenized ZEC Once an asset is in the custody of RenVM, an ERC20 Token (?) at a 1:1 value is minted on Ethereum - this can then be used as any ERC20 can within the Ethereum ecosystem (for example, swaps, collateralization, trades etc.)
  • Exchange symbol (?): RENZEC
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

renZEC (ERC-20) for developers

renZEC (ERC-20) social sites

 Source: NOMICS