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What is Refugees Token?

Refugees Token is a unique cryptocurrency that allows investors to take an active role in saving refugee's lives.

Full description of Refugees Token

Refugees Token (?) is a unique Cryptocurrency (?) that allows investors to take an active role in saving refugee's lives. A total of 79.5 million people around the world have been forced to flee their homes. Among them are nearly 26 million refugees, around half of whom are under the age of 18. That’s why we founded Refugees Token. We know that very few of us are able to just decide to travel to where volunteers are needed most, but what we can all do is intentionally choose to support projects and companies that make the world a better place. At Refugees Token, we don’t just say that’s our top priority, we prove it. Considering the value of our Token we will start selling 10% of our total supply in a public sale and all of the earnings will go to Organizations that we are cooperating with. Cryptocurrencies are changing the game for humanitarian efforts with their versatility and accessibility, and RFG plans to be at the forefront of this innovation. We crafted a token that rewards holders for supporting charities with an automatic 5% redistribution on each transaction and put it on the BSC network, so even your spare change can change refugees life.
  • Exchange symbol (?): RFG
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS