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What is Riptide Coin?

It is a FinTech digital currency aimed at giving you all the keys to absolute control over your money. Riptidecoin software and RIPT are community projects that started from within the Licensed Medical and Recreational Marijuana Industry back in 2016.

Full description of Riptide Coin

It is a FinTech digital currency aimed at giving you all the keys to absolute control over your money. Riptidecoin software and RIPT are community projects that started from within the Licensed Medical and Recreational Marijuana Industry back in 2016. The project, spearheaded by the P2P Organization was started out of necessity in lack of safe banking methods available to business owners and patients. The RiptideCoin (RIPT) Token (?) is ERC20 standard. Developed by RIPTSoft and volunteers in the community. All code and GIT work is public for viewing.
  • Exchange symbol (?): RIPT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Riptide Coin for developers

Riptide Coin social sites

 Source: NOMICS