What is FlokiRocket?

ROCKET ($RKF) Is an inflationary Farming & Staking token which is designed to feed the pools and play to earn game that has been built for our amazing community which is 10,000 strong.

Full description of FlokiRocket

ROCKET ($RKF) Is an inflationary Farming & Staking (?) Token (?) which is designed to feed the pools and play to earn game that has been built for our amazing community which is 10,000 strong. We have managed to create a high and strong APR% across several different pools, as we have launch please see below out current percentages. Our play to earn game is something that we are very excited about 'Angry Rocket' we have designed / developed an 'Angry Birds' Style rocket themed, Left - Right play game which will allow users to earn my by destroying satellites and asteroids throughout the game and can also choose which rocket to use which will have different 'power ups' / advantages. Rocket had an initial supply of 750,000,000,000 with token distribution as 25% marketing, gaming and farming, 25% locked for staking airdrops, 50% for presale and liquidity. Rocket has a flat 12% taxes with 3% being added to liquidity, 3% to buyback and 5% is utilized for marketing.
  • Exchange symbol (?): RKF
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS