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What is Random?

Random is a deflationary token that will serve as the principle currency of Fractal Studios' multi-platform ecosystem.

Full description of Random

Random is a deflationary Token (?) that will serve as the principle currency of Fractal Studios' multi-platform ecosystem. Projects currently in development include Lexicon, a digital trading card game and a random NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) generator & marketplace. All transactions are charged with a 3% fee. 2% go to the distribution Wallet (?) and 1% get burned. In a nod to Chaos Theory, the project sets itself apart by dropping an indeterminate amount of RNDM into holders' wallets once a month.
  • Exchange symbol (?): RNDM
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Random for developers

Random social sites

 Source: NOMICS