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What is Rocket Shib?

RocketSHIB is an ERC-20 token named in homage to the highly successful SHIBA INU token. The token features a reflection mechanic that provides 2% returns on transactions for traders. Total token supply is 1 quadrillion, total tax per transaction (buy & sell) is 10%. The project team intends RocketSHIB to be the principal token in an eventual ecosystem, and is developing a novel use-case exploring an innovative slant within the ever-expanding NFT arena.

Full description of Rocket Shib

RocketSHIB is an ERC-20 Token (?) named in homage to the highly successful SHIBA INU token. The token features a reflection mechanic that provides 2% returns on transactions for traders. Total token supply is 1 quadrillion, total tax per transaction (buy & sell) is 10%. The project team intends RocketSHIB to be the principal token in an eventual ecosystem, and is developing a novel use-case exploring an innovative slant within the ever-expanding NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) arena.
  • Exchange symbol (?): ROCKETSHIB
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS