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What is Rotomoon?

Rotomoon is a token from Binance Smart Chain whose main purpose is to make donations and reward its holders with a nauture of each transaction has a 10% commission, 5% is distributed among the holders and part of the remaining 5% goes to donations, the rest is part of the liquidity (LP).

Full description of Rotomoon

Rotomoon is a Token (?) from Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain whose main purpose is to make donations and reward its holders with a nauture of each transaction has a 10% commission, 5% is distributed among the holders and part of the remaining 5% goes to donations, the rest is part of the liquidity (LP).
  • Exchange symbol (?): ROTO
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Rotomoon for developers

Rotomoon social sites

 Source: NOMICS