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What is RebelTraderToken?

Our use case is UNIQUE - Rebel Traders Group revenue and profits are used to buyback and burn Rebel Traders Token - constantly increasing the value of your investment! This is the PUREST form of hyper deflationary - using revenue, not just taxes, to burn the token! We will NOT stop the burn which means revenue will ALWAYS continue to boost the price and lower the supply! On top of that we have funded a community wallet with 50 Bnb from the presale.

Full description of RebelTraderToken

Our use case is UNIQUE - Rebel Traders Group revenue and profits are used to buyback and burn Rebel Traders Token (?) - constantly increasing the value of your investment! This is the PUREST form of hyper deflationary - using revenue, not just taxes, to burn the token! We will NOT stop the burn which means revenue will ALWAYS continue to boost the price and lower the supply! On top of that we have funded a community Wallet (?) with 50 Bnb from the presale. The rebel token holders get to vote what that is investing in and how much. When the time comes to Responsible pull profits from that wallet 50% percent go directly to Buy and Burn RebeTraderToken. The other 50% will be voted on to either do another buy and burn, Airdrop the bnb to the holders, or reinvest into another project.
  • Exchange symbol (?): RTT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS