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What is Ryoshi Token?

Ryoshi is a deflationary community driven peer to peer meme token, which automatically rewards holders for holding.

Full description of Ryoshi Token

Ryoshi is a deflationary community driven peer to peer meme token, which automatically rewards holders for holding. Strongly inspired by the Shiba Inu Token (?) & community. To ensure a fair distribuition we have decided to burn 50% of the total supply We locked the 30% of the total supply with Pancakeswap and threw away the keys! This is to ensure a fair distribuition, once again following Shiba Inu`s path. Our goal is to build a strong and vibrant comunity that will rise together , thrive and get stronger everyday helping eachother fulfill our dreams. Welcome to Ryoshi`s Elite Squad.
  • Exchange symbol (?): RYOSHI
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Ryoshi Token for developers

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 Source: NOMICS