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What is SaitamaX?

SaitamaX Is the latest anime based ERC-20 Token on Ethereum Smart Chain 💎 Based on the powerful サイタマ (One-Punch Guy) 👊 Tokenomics 👑 • 1% Redistribution to holders of $SaitaX 💥 • 3% Buyback / Liquidity pool 🔥 • 4% Marketing & partnerships 🎎 • 4% Development & NFT 🎓

Full description of SaitamaX

SaitamaX Is the latest anime based ERC-20 Token (?) on Ethereum Smart Chain 💎 Based on the powerful サイタマ (One-Punch Guy) 👊 Tokenomics 👑 • 1% Redistribution to holders of $SaitaX 💥 • 3% Buyback / Liquidity pool 🔥 • 4% Marketing & partnerships 🎎 • 4% Development & NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) 🎓
  • Exchange symbol (?): SAITAX
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

SaitamaX for developers

SaitamaX social sites

 Source: NOMICS