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What is SaveAnimal?

SaveAnimal is a DeFi Token that launched on the 05.05.2021 on the BEP20 Smart Chain, we have a 10% transaction fee with the following split: 4% liquidity, 3% distributed to holders, 1% donated to charity, 0.5% used for marketing and listing purposes and 1.5% are burned on each transaction.

Full description of SaveAnimal

SaveAnimal is a DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) Token (?) that launched on the 05.05.2021 on the BEP20 Smart Chain, we have a 10% transaction fee with the following split: 4% liquidity, 3% distributed to holders, 1% donated to charity, 0.5% used for marketing and listing purposes and 1.5% are burned on each transaction. Our goal is to help the ecosystem to recover and provide an asset to all holders. We plan on spreading the use of Cryptocurrency (?) to charities and help them in the process of setting up a Wallet (?) and receiving donations. We have already donated $19.000 to charity within the first two weeks of the project and aim to increase that number. In the future we will open our own NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) marketplace. We are also developing our own application to further ease the process of Crypto (?) donations and revolutionize the way they are handled. More information about future plans can be found on our roadmap.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SAVEANIMAL
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

SaveAnimal for developers

SaveAnimal social sites

 Source: NOMICS