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What is ShibaPad?

The ShibaPad aims to be a launchpad DAO built by community members.

Full description of ShibaPad

The ShibaPad aims to be a launchpad DAO built by community members. It's meme-friendly to get attention of every meme-lover on BSC. As a governance & utility token, Shibapad token($SBP) is used to vote to make community decisions and by Staking (?) them, holders will get $SBP as a staking reward and Tier benefit of launchpad. Also, There will be PFP NFTs to people can represent themselves as a community members, there will be also same benefits of staking / launchpad for NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) holders. Now we're done with governance Token (?) with voting function, we're working on NFTs and Staking. NFT contract / frontend is done and waiting arts, we're working on the Staking DAPP frontend.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SBP
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS