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What is SiaCashCoin?

SiaCashCoin (SCC) is a cryptocurrency focused on disrupting the cloud data storage space.

Full description of SiaCashCoin

SiaCashCoin (SCC) is a Cryptocurrency (?) focused on disrupting the cloud data storage space. It launched on May 23, 2018, as an ERC-20 Token (?) on the Ethereum network. At the time of writing, Matt B. is the founder and lead developer of this project. According to the website, the SiaCashCoin storage network (under development at the time of this writing) will allow users to upload their data to the cloud securing it with Blockchain (?) technology. Data will be encrypted and Decentralized (?) for safe storage. SiaCashCoin will be used as a native token in the SiaCashCoin network to quantify and establish the value of products and services.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SCC
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

SiaCashCoin for developers

SiaCashCoin social sites

 Source: NOMICS