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What is SuperHelpingDoge?

SuperHelpingDoge is a deflationary BEP20 token in the smart chain in Binance Smart Chain.

Full description of SuperHelpingDoge

SuperHelpingDoge is a deflationary BEP20 Token (?) in the smart chain in Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain. SuperHelpingDoge is charity token. The more tokens you own, the more tokens you will earn, because the 4% fee for each transaction is redistributed to the token holders. This means that you can earn more SuperHelpingDoge coins by keeping them in your wallet. Systematic manual burning.100% liquidity locked. 20% total supply locked. 30% supply has already been burned and ultimately 47% of the total supply is to be burned. For each transaction SuperHelpingDoge also receives 2% which is stored in the created Wallet (?) to fund the aid. A charity wallet that receives redistributions that are used to help animals, people or the planet.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SHD
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS