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What is Shib Generating?

"We’re coming with the proposal to be the highest paying token for Shiba Inu rewards in the world!!! Besides being the biggest reward payer, SHG will have its own server for NFT games.

Full description of Shib Generating

"We’re coming with the proposal to be the highest paying Token (?) for Shiba Inu rewards in the world!!! Besides being the biggest reward payer, SHG will have its own server for NFT games. This will join two huge communities, the Shiba Inu community and the NFT game community. The benefit of having its own server is that most of the amount collected by the service will be placed directly into SHG's liquidity, bringing a constant appreciation to the asset. SHIB GENERATING will promote tournaments and seek partnerships with the most renowned game streamers, going to another level in the Crypto (?) world. Shib Generating, will have an exclusive online store for its holders, where they will be able to buy several exclusive SHG products. These purchases can only be made with rewards from Shib Generating. The Shib Generating Token (SHG) is a native token of the Smart Chain Network (BEP20), which will use a smart contract for generating liquidity and passive income in Shiba Inu to holders. Each purchase transaction will be charged a 14% fee, and each sale a 18% fee. This new generation of protocols aims to create a thriving community of likeminded investors. Shib Generating will join today's largest communities, Shiba inu and NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) games."
  • Exchange symbol (?): SHG
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS