ShinChan Token logo

What is ShinChan Token?

ShinChan Token is an ERC20 token which is an ecosystem of various plaforms such as ShinoStake, ShinoBridge, ShinoSwap with the vision to have its own NFT collection as well as developing a P2E game, in which the holders of $Shinnosuke will be awarded with and secondary token under development.

Full description of ShinChan Token

ShinChan Token (?) is an ERC20 token which is an ecosystem of various plaforms such as ShinoStake, ShinoBridge, ShinoSwap with the vision to have its own NFT (Non-Fungible Token) (?) collection as well as developing a P2E game, in which the holders of $Shinnosuke will be awarded with and secondary token under development.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SHINNOSUKE
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

ShinChan Token for developers

ShinChan Token social sites

 Source: NOMICS