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What is ShitCoin?

To provide whales, traders, and early adopters a pure shitconin experience.

Full description of ShitCoin

To provide whales, traders, and early adopters a pure shitconin experience. Whales will be given preferential treatement such as early private discounted sales, insider information from dev team etc.. To envcourage merchants to adopt ShitCoin as a standard for digital payments. We will ask them nicely with a very well written letter. To advance the Crypto (?) world by having a larger Token (?) supply. Bitcoin only has 21 million. Ethereum has 100 million. ShitCoin has 1 trillion. Which makes it beter. To generate wealth for the dev team, whales, and a lucky few. Maybe you!
  • Exchange symbol (?): SHIT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

ShitCoin for developers

ShitCoin social sites

 Source: NOMICS