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What is Sheeple Token?

Sheeple Tokens are a Deflationary token. Meaning we will burn tokens with every transaction effectively lowering our total supply… Sheeple Token (SHPL) is an ERC-20 token, launched on November, 19 2021 with a supply of 7.8 billion tokens. With an ever-decreasing supply, the SHPL release was as follows: Contract deployed on the Ethereum Mainnet.

Full description of Sheeple Token

Sheeple Tokens are a Deflationary token. Meaning we will burn tokens with every transaction effectively lowering our total supply… Sheeple Token (?) (SHPL) is an ERC-20 token, launched on November, 19 2021 with a supply of 7.8 billion tokens. With an ever-decreasing supply, the SHPL release was as follows: Contract deployed on the Ethereum Mainnet. Anti-sniper, anti-whale, maximum wallets functions will be added to the Smart Contract to ensure a FAIR and SAFE environment for the ENTIRE community. Liquidity is locked. Contract is verified on EtherScan.” Total Supply 7,800,000,000 About 7.8 billion people live on this planet. Our core mission is to awaken the Sheeple and help them become better people, better partners, and better parents. Shepherds herd flock of sheep they are leaders. In the use of a meme Coin (?) we want to empower others to use critical thought. Together we will rise up! Our cause is to promote financial and mental health awareness.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SHPL
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS