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What is SIMP?

The first and only token by the adult industry, for the adult industry! Introducing $SIMP, a token designed to power trust and transactions for adult entertainment stars and their communities. $SIMP is a frictionless farming token that operates on the Binance Smart Chain.

Full description of SIMP

The first and only Token (?) by the adult industry, for the adult industry! Introducing $SIMP, a token designed to power trust and transactions for adult entertainment stars and their communities. $SIMP is a frictionless farming token that operates on the Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain. $SIMP will allow creators to accept Crypto (?) as payment for their premium content, tips and monthly or annual subscription charges. Operating on the BSC will allow for near instantaneous transactions and virtually no gas fees!
  • Exchange symbol (?): SIMP
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

SIMP for developers

SIMP social sites

 Source: NOMICS