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What is SkeinCurrency?

Our project is to create a fully digital jurisdiction based on a small state with the goals of increasing the level of automation, speeding up and reducing the cost of life processes around the world, creating a universal jurisdiction, increasing the involvement of the inhabitants of the planet in the process of political governance, simplifying registration and doing business, attracting investment, financing social, cultural and environmental projects.

Full description of SkeinCurrency

Our project is to create a fully digital jurisdiction based on a small state with the goals of increasing the level of automation, speeding up and reducing the cost of life processes around the world, creating a universal jurisdiction, increasing the involvement of the inhabitants of the planet in the process of political governance, simplifying registration and doing business, attracting investment, financing social, cultural and environmental projects. The virtual country will have all the attributes of a real state: citizenship, registration procedures, currency, private property, inheritance, entrepreneurship, investment environment, voting, charity, cultural, environmental and social activities, social protection. The virtual state will be based on joint-stock ownership, where every citizen is a shareholder, which will later help to realize the idea of guaranteed income. The virtual state will be based on a digital mosaic based on Blockchain (?) and artificial intelligence technologies, thanks to which: automation of all processes, transparency and openness, information security, stability, scalability will be provided. MosaicChain will be a pirring joint-stock cooperative (hereinafter referred to as the PAC). Each of its participants (digi-citizen) will have a share in the PAC, confirmed by a personal Token (?) action. The payment Cryptocurrency (?) will be used for payments inside the MosaicChain, as well as outside the mosaic for settlements with counterparties who are ready to accept this cryptocurrency to their wallets. The rate of the payment cryptocurrency will depend on the capitalization of MosaicChain and the number of users. The basis of the well-being of the jurisdiction will be a universal platform for business, which, based on blockchain and artificial intelligence, will perform many functions without the participation of people. The SkeinCurrency token – a Coin (?) with its own blockchain - acts as a separate investment tool. The SkeinCurrency coin will be listed on the MosaicChain business platform, as well as on leading Crypto (?) exchanges, which will allow it to have a speculative character. SkeinCurrency has a limited issue of 21 million coins. In addition, holders of SkeinCurrency will be provided with digi-residency, digigrazhdanity in a simplified manner.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SKC
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS