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What is Slenderman?

$Slenderman Token - Buy if you dare!!! (Buy in Pancakeswap V 1 old only) The First-ever Horror Defi project managed by the Community.

Full description of Slenderman

$Slenderman Token (?) - Buy if you dare!!! (Buy in Pancakeswap V 1 old only) The First-ever Horror DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) project managed by the Community. The community took over on 17th May 2021. This is stealth, fair launch token &100% SAFE. Slenderman will grow organically and being a stealth launch, there are best opportunities for 1000x and beyond. Ownership renounced, handed over to the community to run. Slenderman doesn't belong to anyone but he will be very disappointed if you don't join the fun And don't disappoint Slenderman... About Slenderman Tokenomics: $Slenderman Protocol applies 4% fees on all transactions (buys/sales/transfers). In which: • 2% is automatically rewarded to holders • 2% automatically goes to liquidity pool (BNB / Slenderman) 45% of tokens burnt into the darkness of Slenderman Slenderman Token has a unique TOKENOMICS that helps prevent whales dumping: You cannot buy/sell in quantities that affect the price by 4% or more! Though this cannot prevent someone from selling large amounts entirely, it slows the process. A mobile gaming app, Slenderman NFTs, Sub Tokens, Charity programs for the mentally
  • Exchange symbol (?): SLENDERMAN
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS