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What is MoonSmart?

MoonSmart © is a Binance Smart Chain (BSC) token that innovate of deflated token and never panic sell.

Full description of MoonSmart

MoonSmart © is a Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain (BSC) Token (?) that innovate of deflated token and never panic sell. Our aim is to make $SMART token become a new high value one by using smart and well prepared strategies. This is reflected in our slogan: “Let’s go to the Moon (or to the moon) (?) in a Smart way”. Special Features: - No Rugpull: 75% of pre-sale BNB will be add to liquidity and locked by DxSale for 6 months. - Dump Prevention Mechanism: MoonSmart employ a new Dump Prevention Mechanism so the token’s price always increase! - Transparency and Trust: MoonSmart believe that Trust is the most crucial part of every project so our project will make everything as Transparent as possible to increase the Trust of our investor.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SMART
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS