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What is Smoke High?

Smoke High ($SMOKE) is a Binance Smart-Chain token with integrated optimized buy-back system.

Full description of Smoke High

Smoke High ($SMOKE) is a Binance exchange (?) Smart-Chain Token (?) with integrated optimized buy-back system. The token will be used for payments in our app as in our store of CBD products. Upon every sale a percentage will get used for an extra buy-back (double buy-back system). By taking the framework of the Everrise buy-back system and building upon it, they plan to integrate their online CBD Marketplace with crypto. The marketplace will act as a medium, between small - medium sized vendors and consumers. A small percentage of each transaction - at the marketplace - will be auto-converted into the Native token ($SMOKE) and will fuel more buys into the chart. This second buy-back will not tax the investors.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SMOKE
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS