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What is SquidWorld?

🦑🌍 SQUIDWORLD 🦑🌏 SquidWorld is a gaming token on bsc.

Full description of SquidWorld

🦑🌍 SQUIDWORLD 🦑🌏 SquidWorld is a gaming Token (?) on bsc. we will be offering casino games and a Squidgame themed multiplayer game No reflections or rewards to keep the taxes low and buyers/sellers happy Small whitelist followed by launch Low Tax 7% buy: 2% LP, 2% Marketing, 3% team and game development 10% sell: 3% LP, 3% Marketing, 3% team and development, 1% buyback and burn Locked Lp proof in tg Based Devs Crypto Casino and Squidgame theme game first game to be released within 10 days Safe & Sound Rug Proof Token
  • Exchange symbol (?): SMS
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

SquidWorld for developers

SquidWorld social sites

 Source: NOMICS