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What is SnowBall Token?

What is SNOB? SNOB is the governance token for Snowball.

Full description of SnowBall Token

What is SNOB? SNOB is the governance Token (?) for Snowball. It can be locked to obtain xSNOB, which gives access to revenue sharing, reward boosting, and voting. Snowball token distribution started on Block (?) 443700, around March 3rd, 2021. Tokens are minted through Mining (?) as incentive rewards for participating in Snowball. How to obtain SNOB? SNOB can be acquired by providing liquidity on the Snowball platform. Each block, a predetermined amount of SNOB is distributed and sent to Snowball users. Additionally, SNOB can be purchased from various exchanges such as Pangolin. What is Snowball? Snowball is a Decentralized (?) protocol on Avalanche whose main products include auto-compounding services for liquidity pools, an automated market maker (AMM) for stablecoins, NFTs, and governance. Snowball’s goal is to become one of the premier Decentralized Finance (DeFi) projects on Avalanche by offering competitive and unique products. Who runs Snowball? Snowball is entirely community run and is not backed by any centralized institution. Day to day operations of the organization are handled by a core team. However, this team is non-exclusive and anyone who shows an active interest in Snowball can participate. Major protocol decisions are determined by the community using Snowball Governance. Anyone with SNOB can lock their tokens for xSNOB and vote on crucial governance decisions that directly affect the protocol. Visit Snowball’s Discord to join the conversation.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SNOB
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS