SolaLambo V1 (OLD) logo

What is SolaLambo V1 (OLD)?

SOB is a decentralized community driven token whose main focus is to support Solana Ecosystem & connect all SPL token.

Full description of SolaLambo V1 (OLD)

SOB is a Decentralized (?) community driven Token (?) whose main focus is to support Solana Ecosystem & connect all SPL token. SOB is hard capped at 1M Total Supply. We are running on Solana Blockchain (?) network working on our Dex- Dex with lowest fee and friendly user interface.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SOB
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

SolaLambo V1 (OLD) for developers

SolaLambo V1 (OLD) social sites

 Source: NOMICS