What is Unisocks?

$SOCKS is a token that entitles you to 1 real pair of limited edition socks, shipped anywhere in the world.

Full description of Unisocks

$SOCKS is a Token (?) that entitles you to 1 real pair of limited edition socks, shipped anywhere in the world. You can sell the token back at any time. To get a real pair, redeem a $SOCKS token. $SOCKS tokens are listed starting at $12 USD. Each buy/sell will move the price. The increase or decrease follows a bonding curve. $SOCKS will eventually find an equillibrium based on market demand. Buying or selling socks uses the uniswap protocol and accepts any token input as a payment method. The pool of SOCKS is a uniswap pool where 500 SOCKS tokens were deposited along with the starting value of ETH.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SOCKS
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Unisocks for developers

Unisocks social sites

 Source: NOMICS