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What is Helios Charts?

Helios Charts is a BEP-20 Utility Token launched on 04/08/2021 on the Binance Smart Chain by a team in the United States and Europe.

Full description of Helios Charts

Helios Charts is a BEP-20 Utility Token (?) launched on 04/08/2021 on the Binance exchange (?) Smart Chain by a team in the United States and Europe. It was designed to provide chart analytics for ERC-20/BEP-20 tokens, as well as Decentralized (?) limit trading. The token runs on a proprietary method called Adaptive Tokenomics that taxes each transaction on Buys/Sells and returns a dividend Paid in $SOL tokens to its holders. SOL relies on the following principles: - Utility token: 25% of the revenue made from advertising, partnerships as well as services will be used to buy $SOL and burn. - Adaptive Tokenomics: a crucial factor to carefully safeguarding the growth of the token as the taxe rates on Buys and Sells are separate values, which are modified depending on the trading volume. - Dividends Paid in $SOL token: 33% of the total tax rate on buys/sells is paid as dividend to its holders. Example: If the tax rate is 10%, 3% goes to the holders. - Automated Buyback: 33% of the total tax rate on buys/sells is collected and used to buy back $SOL at times where volume is low, this helps to encourage stability, which is supported already by its utility. $SOL's value proposition lies in its constant research of achieving good User Experience (UX). Realizing the importance of providing a seamless experience, we have focused on development improvements to display the data in the most accurate manner. For instance, we have noticed the implications of displaying the Marketcap in a way that truly reflects what is on Etherscan/Bscscan, without things like that, most holders' buying decisions are impacted. Moreover, it will: - Check for unsafe projects thanks to their partner Hoodrat (becomes Ratify), by using their AI-based Risk Assessment Tool - Provide price bots and real-time chart analyzers directly on Telegram - Enables limit swaps directly on the website to not miss a thing
  • Exchange symbol (?): SOL
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Helios Charts for developers

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 Source: NOMICS