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What is Sphynx Swap V2?

At Sphynx we aim to provide an AIO(All-In-One) solution for trading, farming, staking and holding. The amount of trading, staking and farming platforms out there can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate. This creates a massive barrier to entry for those new to the world of crypto trading. We've taken it upon ourselves to make this experience simpler, smoother and faster by wrapping everything a trader needs into one platform. So instead of swapping between 5 different platforms to manage and grow one's portfolio, Sphynx gives you the ability to remain on one and rule above them all! Sphynx token holders get a dividend from the swap fees on a weekly basis in the form of BNB.

Full description of Sphynx Swap V2

At Sphynx we aim to provide an AIO(All-In-One) solution for trading, farming, Staking (?) and holding. The amount of trading, staking and farming platforms out there can be overwhelming and difficult to navigate. This creates a massive barrier to entry for those new to the world of Crypto (?) trading. We've taken it upon ourselves to make this experience simpler, smoother and faster by wrapping everything a trader needs into one platform. So instead of swapping between 5 different platforms to manage and grow one's portfolio, Sphynx gives you the ability to remain on one and rule above them all! Sphynx Token (?) holders get a dividend from the swap fees on a weekly basis in the form of BNB.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SPHYNX
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Sphynx Swap V2 for developers

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 Source: NOMICS