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What is SafePlus?

SafePlus is a token created to reward holders more, those who keep the token over time, earning not only from its appreciation but also from the passive income it generates. The economy of this special token (so-called Tokenomics) was built to discourage crypto-traders (thus avoiding price drops and manipulations for the benefit of a few experts) and instead reward those who want to have an automatic medium / long-term income, beyond the same appreciation of the token value!

Full description of SafePlus

SafePlus is a Token (?) created to reward holders more, those who keep the token over time, earning not only from its appreciation but also from the passive income it generates. The economy of this special token (so-called Tokenomics) was built to discourage crypto-traders (thus avoiding price drops and manipulations for the benefit of a few experts) and instead reward those who want to have an automatic medium / long-term income, beyond the same appreciation of the token value!
  • Exchange symbol (?): SPLUS
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS