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What is Star Shib?

In the galaxy far, far away... ...a balance between light and dark side of the force was disturbed with a sudden arrival of StarShib Emperor.

Full description of Star Shib

In the galaxy far, far away... ...a balance between light and dark side of the force was disturbed with a sudden arrival of StarShib Emperor. A hope for a new order in the Decentralized (?) galaxy is finally here, allowing jedi investors to join this movement. The emerging StarShib Empire is here for you to reach the stars and become the most powerful Cryptocurrency (?) in the entire Universe. The tokenomics is what sets this project apart. The tax consists of 5%, distributed to Empire’s StarSb holders and the 5% being sent straight to the black hole and burned forever. This transaction tax also made this Token (?) bot-fee and is discouraging short-sellers.
  • Exchange symbol (?): STARB
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS