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What is Stelios V1 (OLD)?

STELIOS is a progressive deflationary DeFi token built to succeed.

Full description of Stelios V1 (OLD)

STELIOS is a progressive deflationary DeFi (Decentralized Finance) (?) Token (?) built to succeed. The main idea behind STELIOS TOKEN is to provide a Decentralized (?) transaction network which operates on the Binance exchange (?) smart chain (BSC). The token itself will be in BSC, however a independent Blockchain (?) technology will be presented during Q3/Q4 2022. A community driven project which aims to eliminate the delay and the high fees on transactions while making the cryptocurrencies usable in daily purchases. Our goal is to bring forth a Crypto (?) currency that can be easily accepted, sent, and spent by everyone.
  • Exchange symbol (?): STL
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

Stelios V1 (OLD) for developers

Stelios V1 (OLD) social sites

 Source: NOMICS