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What is STARAMBA.Token?

The Staramba.Token(STT) is one of the payment methods for MATERIA.ONE for purchases of premium content and virtual goods.

Full description of STARAMBA.Token

The Staramba.Token(STT) is one of the payment methods for MATERIA.ONE for purchases of premium content and virtual goods. Due to our smart contract it is possible to directly split the amount of Token (?) into different shares. Especially licensees have a lot of works with royalty reportings. With the STARAMBA.Token these royalty reports do not have to be made anymore as the licensor gets the amount right away. In comparison to other payment methods, the STARAMBA.Token enables us to make the payment directly in the virtual worlds for performing the payment.
  • Exchange symbol (?): STT
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

STARAMBA.Token for developers

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 Source: NOMICS