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What is Support Doge?

Support Doge is a Deflationary BSC Token with really usefull use cases.

Full description of Support Doge

Support Doge is a Deflationary BSC Token (?) with really usefull use cases. Already at the start, we are actively working on two practical areas. The first is close cooperation with small and medium-sized businesses in El Salvador thanks to our unique development SD-Terminal, with the help of this device every business owner will be able to accept payments in crypto, bypassing additional taxation from such monopolists as Visa and MasterCard. This will be a revolution in the economy at the state level, it will increase the interest and loyalty of society to cryptocurrencies. The second area is entertainment. We are creating a large portal with a huge selection of games for every taste, where a person can earn $SUPD token while having fun . Our thoughtful tokenomics allow the Coin (?) to be liquid, rewarding and innovative.
  • Exchange symbol (?): SUPD
  • Cryptocurrency type (?): Token (?)

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 Source: NOMICS